MyForesters is your gateway to amazing benefits!

Register now and enjoy the perks of being a Foresters member

Register for MyForesters

You’re close to accessing MyForesters and your suite of complimentary member benefits!

Use the information on your Foresters certificate to sign up below.

All fields are required.
Date of birth
Please enter a valid date of birth

Check the front page of your life insurance certificate to confirm your certificate number.

Can't find your number? Give us a call at 800 828 1540.

Don't have your certificate/plan number?
424324 CA (01/25)

To register, you need to be an 18 or older member with an in-force certificate. You can also register for Foresters activities in your community through MyForesters as long as you are 18 or older. Refer to the grant guidelines for more information.